

Why is your product expensive?

We felt this was likely going to be the first question anyone asked considering there are thousands of CBD products out there. even oil is priced where it is because there are no fillers, no unnecessary ingredients, and we use more of the plant than anyone else thanks to our spagyric process (learn more about that here). The steps we take to make even oil only two, all natural ingredients is what we believe to be the only way CBD should be made. We’re confident our oil is better than anything out there, and we welcome any and all comparisons. 

1. What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol which is a chemical compound from the Cannabis stevia plant also known as hemp.

2. What is hemp extract?

Hemp extract is the oil extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant.  It typically contains high amounts of CBD or Cannabidiol.  

3. What is Spagyric and why is this so important?

Spagyric processing is a practice of alchemy in which herbs are prepared to result in a more potent form. Extraction, purification and recombination are the three main steps that are taken with the hemp plant to arrive at our final oil. This allows us to provide you with a far superior product to what most CBD products are able to offer. If you’re looking for more information check out our Spagyric Processing page. 

4. Is your product organic?

While there is not currently a way to certify that hemp or our spagyric CBD oil is organic, we utilize organic olive oil and have one farm that we work with that utilizes both organic practices as well as regenerative farming practices. You can check them out here. Additionally, we third party test our products post bottling to ensure our product is free of any and all harmful chemicals.

5. Can I get high from CBD?

CBD does not cause a high like THC and while both compounds are found in the hemp plant, CBD alone is nonintoxicating and will not cause a high. By law CBD in many states have a limit of 0.3 THC which is not enough to cause any psychoactive symptoms. We are under that limit 😉

6. Will CBD show up if I take a drug test?

Because of the unknown science of potential conversions of some cannabinoids to others, once consumed and the different biochemistry of every individual, we recommend consulting your health care provider before consuming any CBD product if you are subject to drug testing.

7. What results can I expect?

Results will vary from person to person! However, CBD is known to alleviate the day-to-day stressors such as mild aches and pains, chronic conditions, lack of sound sleep and anxiety. While we do not claim any of these as a guarantee we do anticipate you will find our product to be effective. Check out the reviews on our products to see for yourself.

8. Is CBD and/or hemp oil legal where I live?

While it is federally legal to purchase CBD products many states have specific laws and guidelines.  We suggest you look up the guidelines where you live prior to purchasing with us.

9. Is it possible to take too much CBD?

We recommend that you follow the suggested dosage for each of our products. We encourage you to gradually increase your usage if you feel the need to…

10. How frequently can I take spagyric hemp oil?

We suggest you take CBD up to two times a day and space out your usage by at least four hours.

11. Can I give my pet CBD?

You sure can. We would suggest a very small dosage as your pet is likely much smaller than you and will not require the same dosage you require.

12. What is your return policy?

While we are confident you will enjoy our products, we do accept returns up to 30 days from the date of purchase and will provide a full refund if you are not happy with our product.

13. How does CBD work?

Within the body there are cells with receptors called endocannabinoid receptors which the CBD molecule fits into, activating the cells healing potential.

14. What are your ingredients?

Spagyric oil and olive oil. Nothing more complicated than that. No fillers, added flavors, or anything unnecessary. If you want to take a closer look at our lab results feel free to view our 750mg and 1500mg tests. 

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Display your work in a bold & confident manner. Sometimes it’s easy for your creativity to stand out from the crowd.Regeneratively farmed, sustainably sourced, spagyric hemp oil.
